The 19TH AND 20TH of September 2023 in Paris

A must-attend hydrogen business event

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Un événement business hydrogène incontournable

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Event professionals with complementary expertise

ASTech Paris Region: the competitiveness cluster for the aeronautics, space and defence industry (ASD)

ASTech Paris Region aims to increase the European leadership of the Space Launch, Business Aviation, Propulsion and Equipment sectors in the Paris Region through innovation:
- by giving a new impetus to Ile-de-France Research, in its role of supporting the Aeronautics and Space Industry
- by offering SMEs new opportunities for innovation
- by preparing the technological breakthroughs of tomorrow in partnership with SMEs, research organisations and higher education establishments

MEET&COM, specialist in affinity events

Since 15 years, the Meet and Com Group, specialist in business meetings, organizes more than 40 events per year all over France and Europe, with the objective of putting in touch the projects owners and solution providers.

A premium positioning

Leader in the Meetings & Events market, the Meet and Com Group has been developing events in new market segments such as Hospitality and Catering, Social and Environmental Responsibility and Work Life Quality for several years.

Proximum365, leader in one-on-one business meetings

We manage 165 000 participants per year, 80% of which are industrial. What are we passionate about? Marrying communities, transferring innovation, accompanying innovation.
2 000 000 pre-organized meetings held in 2020

Dedicated to development of low-carbon hydrogen

Since September 2020, Patrick Gloriès has been leading the project of a dedicated event on Maritime Hydrogen, to be held in the Var region of France and based on a permanent "marketplace" platform, a B2B meeting environment and a moderated document base.

Vimeet, a worldwide legacy

First developed for our own needs, Vimeet has allowed us to be the forerunner of hybrid custom events since 2010. Today, large organizers and institutions demanding results (number and quality of appointments, intuitive UX...) use Vimeet, worldwide.

Partners OF


A hydrogen roadmap supported by a collective strategy

Located at Paris-Le Bourget airport, Europe's leading business airport, the Musée de l'Air et de l'Espace is one of the world's leading aviation museums, due to its age and the richness of its collections. It presents exceptional collections in the three fields of flight: aerostation, aviation and space, and strives to raise awareness of aeronautical heritage and culture among the general public.

France hydrogène, the French association for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells

Bringing together more than 460 members, France Hydrogène federates the players in the French hydrogen industry, structured along the entire value chain: major industrial groups, small and medium-sized businesses and innovative start-ups, laboratories and research centers, associations, schools, competitive clusters and local authorities mobilized for the deployment of hydrogen solutions. Together, our ambition is to accelerate the development of renewable and low-carbon hydrogen to achieve the energy transition, reindustrialize the territory and create value locally.

Our study on port ecosystems has highlighted the decarbonization opportunities offered by hydrogen and the scale effects induced by the specificities of ports. We are therefore pleased to be a partner of the 2023 edition of Hyports to bring together the players in the hydrogen sector around decarbonization solutions for the maritime, river and port sectors.

The Capenergies competitiveness center

Capenergies is the largest French cluster dedicated to the energy transition, with approx. 530 members of which 80% are SMEs. Capenergies has more than 15-years’ experience in promoting sustainable business by supporting its members to turn their ideas into tomorrow’s products and services to be released onto national and international markets, in the areas of sustainable low-carbon energy production and uses, energy efficiency and smart energy management (smart energy grids and storage).

Capenergies covers the following geographical territories: Region South of France - Provence-Alpes-Côte-D’Azur (PACA), Principality of Monaco, as well as Corsica, Guadeloupe and Réunion islands.

Capenergies is highly engaged in supporting the development of the clean H2 sector. Capenergies is a member of France Hydrogene board, and has launched since 2018 an H2 club in Region Sud. More than 30 local projects have since then emerged and are monitored by the cluster.

Club Vision Hydrogène

Club Vision Hydrogène federates and commits actors from the territories, the economy, the associative world, research and innovation, to act together to accelerate the deployment of green hydrogen of societal interest.

Our partnership, since the first edition, when I was President of the Hydrogen Group of the French National Assembly, is essential to accelerate a deployment based on the acceptability and the massification of uses in the maritime, river and port sectors. Logically, we will reward together those who have succeeded in delivering operational projects by combining our "Club Vision Hydrogène" Awards and the "Delivery Award" of Meet4Hydrogen - HySky.


EVOLEN supports companies and professionals in the energy sector in the development of sustainable, reliable and economic solutions accessible to all, in order to succeed together in the energy transformation towards carbon neutrality by 2050. The association leads and represents the community of players in the sector in France and internationally.

CCI Ile-de-France

Representing nearly 840,000 businesses, or 29% of the national GDP, the Paris Region Chamber of Commerce and Industry is actively involved alongside the players who make up the regional economy - whether they are company directors, decision-makers, pupils, apprentices, students or employees on continuing education courses.

Across an area that includes Paris, Seine-et-Marne, Versailles-Yvelines, Essonne, Hauts-de-Seine, Seine-Saint-Denis, Val-de-Marne and Val d'Oise, the Regional Chamber's mission is to represent businesses in order to encourage their growth, train men and women to meet the challenges of the future, develop business projects and promote the capital region in order to increase its influence.

Roissy Meaux Aeropole

Since its creation in 2018, the GIP Roissy Meaux Aéropôle has represented a solid union and a shared commitment to territorial development and ecological transition in close collaboration with the stakeholders of the Paris-Charles de Gaulle airport hub.

Representing 110 municipalities and over 500,000 inhabitants, Roissy Meaux Aéropôle's main objective is to bring together public policies on mobility, economic development and employment across four areas.

Because of its proximity to the airport hubs, the GIP Roissy Meaux Aéropôle has joined forces with the ADP Group to promote the development of hub projects.



Sponsoring an exceptional business event brings you many benefits

    Enhance your reputation and stand out in the marketplace.
    Your presence in the partner space allows you to be more visible and facilitates the appointment process! A tab dedicated to official partners allows you to get many contacts!
    You ensure that communication via the event's channels (social networks, direct marketing, advertising) is maximized
    You deploy bespoke communication to selected targets.
  • Go international!
    You get known and noticed by professionals from all over the world.
  • Find new customers.
    You showcase your latest products or services to participants : your future new customers!

An affordable sponsoring

Whether you are a brand new startup, a small or medium enterprise or a large corporation, you can be a sponsor of Meet4Hydrogen: our offers are open and adapted to all! Take advantage of an à la carte partnership that fits your objectives, your expectations and your desires, and is in line with your budget.

High visibility at stake

  • You will appear on all communication supports of the event.
  • We put forward your organsiation:
    Sending an emailing to our database (professional and targeted contacts) and publishing a post on our social networks (LinkedIn and Twitter).
  • We insert a clickable ad on the event's website.
  • We offer you the "logo" option on your presentation form in the participants' catalog.